Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Isabel enjoying boat life

on the foredeck in her bouncy chair during her first motorsail in Apataki

hanging with her good friend Catherine on 'Dreamtime'

trying to feed herself

chilling with dad


  1. So sweet! Where are you now? Can you guys sail to Shanghai please so our daughters can hang out? Big hugs~ Sarah, Nate & Frieda

  2. Hi Sarah! So good to hear from you. Shanghai, uhmmmm...might take us a while - we're a few thousand miles away in French Polynesia, the Tuamotu atolls. Hope to see you guys next time you swing through Tahoe!

  3. Awwwewwwwwewww! I love her. What a rad life.
    Can't wait to smush her. And Jag sends his love too.
